"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Monday, September 21, 2020



Close up of the carvings:

one lone fairy stone........

the green lawn you see in front of me is a popular place where people bring their dogs to run every day--of course--I like to pause to watch them!

The columns are so tall and so pretty, I love looking at them! They used to be the front of the Charleston Museum, which burned down in the early 80s. All that's left are the Corinthian columns.
Here's a bunch of Odds and ends:

got me a fresh new tablet cover......I LOVE IT! I knew they came in various colors.....but never knew you could get such PRETTY ONES. 

Some of y'all take such amazing pictures......here's another fun photo contest!

I wanted to share my little butterfly "flip-book"---some of y'all are posting such gorgeous pictures of butterflies!!--you might like this book too. I love it because of the big colorful pictures and then there is SO MUCH information on the front and the back of each "page".

Saw this in a magazine and thought it was neat!--I always thought the actual house was in Miami and it's not.

I sure love this show. Anyone else? Hard to believe that Betty White is the only surviving cast member still alive.

...........and to end this post---Paper Dolls!
Did y'all play with paper dolls when  you were little? I did , we just loved them. I don't really think they even make them anymore.
When visiting my Ma-Maw's house, she would take me to the drug store and buy me a set or two or three of whichever paper dolls I thought were prettiest. There were always so many to choose from!--Bride, "airline stewardess", fashion model,  Grace Kelly, Donna Reed, Lucille Ball, Tammy, Connie Francis,  etc. My favorite choices were usually "Barbie and Midge", Gone with the Wind, ballerinas, Judy Garland, Miss America, Little Women and Cinderella. I spent hours sitting on an old quilt... playing with my paper dolls and all their pretty "clothes" underneath the big old oak tree.
We kept our paper dolls in shoe boxes when we weren't playing with them, that way they didn't get lost.
Ma-Maw also took "McCalls" ladies monthly magazine, and each month there was a page of "Betsy McCall" paperdolls to cut out. A new adventure and new clothes each month. She saved each page for me and I was always so happy and excited to get my new "Betsy McCalls".
Here's some Betsy McCall pictures. They look just like I remember them! I haven't thought about or seen these in YEARS...just googled and here they are. What sweet little dresses and shoes!

Maria Jose Treasures, Etsy

Maria Jose treasures, etsy

Maria Jose Treasures, Etsy
Julia Edna


ondiraiduveau on 

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ondiraiduveau on 

Here's some Shirley Temple ones:

I think this page was from a Reminise magazine.

Happy Monday everyone, so glad you stopped by to see me. Hope everybody's weekend was real nice.


  1. I love that butterfly flip book. I need to find one of those! And of course paper dolls are my fav! I loved Betsy McCall! You share the neatest things with us. I'm showing an old reader today. When can you come over to play? Hugs!

  2. The columns are amazing. How neat is that little butterfly flip book:)

  3. I couldn't find the butterflies fandex but I found a wildflower fandex to put on my wish list!

  4. the columns and pictures of the columns are really pretty!!

    my mom watches the golden girls often, in the present...i watched it years ago, such a cute show!!

    i would enjoy that butterfly fandex, i see diane was not able to find it!! :(

  5. as to you comment on my blog...the detail in the neck and lack of color tells me it is a female ruby throated hummingbird. the females neck is plain, the males neck look like it has red sequins on it!!

  6. I LOVED paper dolls, and yes, we played with the Betsy McCall paper dolls all the time. We had others that were our favorites (my sister and I) Such happy memories. Love the columnns...so sad that is all that is left of the building! Wow. Must've been some beautiful place. I love that butterfly thing you have, what a great idea! Thanks for sharing all these great things. Glad we are of similar ages and memories!!

  7. The architecture is terrific. I remember the Betsy McCall paper dolls!
