"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Blue sky, Old church

I walked by to take pictures of Grace Episcopal church on Wentworth Street recently. It was a good day for it as they sky was a brilliant shade of blue that day and I love that behind church steeples when I photograph them!


The workmanship on this old church is so incredible.

The gothic revival style church was built in 1846. It had alot of damage from the Civil War, but was repaired.

The the big earthquake (1886) damaged it almost beyond repair and they almost tore it all down. They finally rebuilt it.
all the shapes and angles......

So many nooks and crannies........

The church has a good congregation today and there are also alot of weddings there.
I'm so glad this gorgeous church has survived, it's so beautiful!

Real glad you stopped in to see me and hope your week has started out great! Its been sunny here, alternating with short afternoon rainshowers. And some breezy days, which feel so good!

Our first sunflower of the summer:

Thursday, May 2, 2024


A nice country drive brings us here............

Welcome to the Ruins!

Twisty tree limbs wrapped in Spanish moss and Resurrection Fern

Tammie and Bindie say "yes, LET'S GO!"

Creaky old gates and round gate posts welcome us

We used to enjoy coming here before they put up the black fencing. Back then, you could walk all around and inside the big columns. They put fences up because of vandalism.

So.....what exactly IS THIS place?
Who built this, and what year?
Who is buried here? What happened here during the Civil War?
If you are curious about what these ancient bricks and big columns are, click below.

(it's the third post down on that page)

I love making pictures of things with lots of colors and textures. So I can make pictures here for HOURS! lol

The fences keep you from walking around inside now.

Love these ancient old bricks!

The girls got THIRSTY!

As is the custom, I leave a trinket of respect. I'd actually forgotten to bring anything, but was lucky to find a sparkling blue fairy stone in the bottom of my pocketbook to place here.

As we walked around, one bird kept getting louder and louder.  We pretty quickly spotted a bright red bird and thought, "oh, a cardinal". Only it wasn't. We looked and looked and neither of us recognized this bird.
It was frantically flying and diving up and down and calling sharply and loudly.... to detract us from it's nest of babies.

I looked up birds and I'm pretty sure it was a Summer Tanager. My first time to see one!
I have several good bird spotting/identifying books, but not with us.
It didn't have all black wings, so still not sure?

I was thrilled to spot my first one!

What a pretty pretty bird!!

the old water pump. Yes, it still works

bricks inside this old tree

Hope y 'all liked walking about through these old ruins! It's a quiet and peaceful place. I love to come here. There is no noise.
Just whispers from the past.......