"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Monday, March 23, 2020

Friday night in Charleston

This couple didn't let the current crisis stop their wedding:
They were posing for photographs in the bright sunshine, so I caught a few too!

I snapped the pictures of the wedding below a day or so before the "groups of ten or more" restrictions began.

Weddings, picnics, people visiting on blankets, lots of bicycles.

Lots of golf carts around...........
..........and golf carts with happy dogs!

And little girls with their baby dolls.

Out for a little walk:
A little walk. A little exercise. A little fresh air---------helps so much.

so many pretty things blooming!

I had spent the past couple of days cleaning out my closets....transferring all my winter clothes back into the winter closet, and getting out some spring and summer clothes. Some were needed, some were just to cheer me up and get my mind on other things besides the news.
(and things like THIS!)
I made these pictures two weeks ago

 Today I washed and put away my thicker winter shawls, hats and scarves and got out my more light summer ones. It's been up in the 80s the past days, but we have a cooler spell coming, so I do leave out some long sleeve things and a hat and jacket, just in case, LOL.

Just couldn't wait any longer!!--got out some of my spring/summer pocketbooks! LOL!

Remember we visited this pretty door a few posts back:

The folks who live in this upstairs apartment always have pretty plants up on the porch, and pretty hanging plants.
Shop window with pretty table settings displayed:

Looks like the fairies have been dancing around this area...

I wanted to make a few pictures of the old Wentworth Mansion:

Oh, look at this pretty gingerbread house, and that doggie up there is looking at us!! See him?
He's up there keeping a watch on the whole neighborhood!

Well........ I guess he's not real....but he sure looks like it, LOL!

Love the stained glass windows!

I wanted to show y'all the pretty white vase with the horses on it:
It's displayed in the front window
You don't realize how BIG IT IS until you see it from the sidewalk:
I hope y'all had a nice weekend and are finding things to do, cook/craft, clean/organize, listen to, look at, read, taste and enjoy while we are spending lots of time at home. What's everyone doing to keep your spirits up?
I gave these a try!!:
So delicious!!!!!

Just finished these two books:

Loved this one!!

Those of you who read lots--What's in your stack of books?


  1. Going with you on a walk always brightens my day. That dog sure did look real!! and the brickwork on the mansion is fantastic. Many things are blooming here too. The hubby and I went for a little walk in the neighborhood and I took some pictures, will post them later. I have a cataract so reading is difficult right now but I spend a lot of time on the computer playing games and such.

  2. It's so great to get outside and WALK! Around here it's not a problem....very few people out and about. I'm reading a Charles Finch book right now. I love his books...all of them! Take care and stay healthy my friend!

  3. Your walks are always so interesting andI love all the photos you take. What a lovely wedding, the bride is so beautiful and looks so happy. The statue of the dog really did look real, keeping watch from above. I haven't read any books lately but with our 'stay at home order' perhaps I'll have more time.
    Stay healthy!!

  4. i am not a reader, so i can't help you out there!! that dog looks so real, how would anyone ever know!!! we are on lockdown here in new jersey, no walks for us. it's nice to walk vicariously through you!!
