"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Good bye, Aunt Jemima

Rest in peace, Aunt Jemima

How does Aunt Jemima's family feel about it?
(click above)

Is Uncle Ben next?
What about Mrs. Butterworths?
Good bye Cream of Wheat chef?
I read my new friend Pam's blog today and she had some interesting things about the real Aunt Jemima and how she got the job and how she loved it and how it benefitted her family. She was PAID WELL, she got to travel all over, met many interesting people, and worked a job and left a legacy to be proud of.
so.....should we erase her?

Pam's Aunt Jemima post
(click above)

They're changing the names of Eskimo pies?
usa today

Could Italian Chef Boyardee be next? 

or the mermaid?!
(remember the t/v commercial?)
"ask any mermaid
you happen to see.....
what's the best tuna?
Chicken of the Sea!"

could Sister Shubert be next? or the Irish Lucky Charms guy?
I'm pretty sure the maiden on the Land O'Lakes butter has been erased, right?-----Martha White flour and Betty Crocker could be next.......


  1. oooooh i am so not political but please, give me a break!!! interesting facts, but geez, what's next, all i can say is that i really don't believe this stuff!!!

  2. Yes- Land-O-Lakes butter no longer has the beautiful image it had. I think things go way too far sometimes. AND--now that it has been banned- just try to find a copy of Gone With The Wind. I saw on Amazon they had some for $349!!!! The last one I saw was in a bin at Walmart for $5.00. Crazy town....

  3. All of this is CRAZY ---and so stupid. What is happening to our wonderful country? They want to change all of our history now, or just get rid of it.... Our ancestors did SO much to help make this country into a fantastic place to live. Makes me SO SAD --to see what is happening.... I read something that the best way to get something changed now is to say that you "offend" it. It will be changed!!!!! Our English language will be totally different --and we will all be the WORSE because of all of this.... Angers me --but truly makes me sad, especially losing the history that I so cherish.I feel so sorry for my Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren who will have to live in this country ---if all of this continues.


  4. Debbi, The true fact is ...no matter what's re-named, torn down, or banned , history is history ,good or bad, that can't be changed. We do need to learn from it. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  5. I don't know how I feel about this. I don't think we are the people to ask, we white women of privilege. I read Pam's post and I have to admit, she has some great points that made me think. Still, there is a place for history but if it hurts or degrades? Does it degrade? I think there are loads of issues here but like I said, a 60+ year-old comfortable white woman who has never had to deal with stereotypes isn't the one to make it.
