"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Friday, August 5, 2016

City Sunflowers

They caught my eye from far away.....

These bright golden sunshiny yellow 

City Sunflowers!
Splashes of summer happiness!!


  1. That first photo brought a big smile to my face. Sunflowers are happy flowers. Thanks for sharing ~ FlowerLady

  2. Oh, I do love those sunflowers. A bright spot for anyone passing by and now.. because you captured them with your camera, we all can enjoy them.

  3. Sunflowers always make people smile. I am smiling now.

  4. I'm going to have to pick up some sunflowers at the farmers' market, if they have them - none here, unfortunately! Last year the critters planted a few seeds in my pots, and I let them grow. This year, with the bears I haven't been feeding the critters, so no sunflowers! And the ones I planted got eaten immediately. Oh well, I'll just enjoy your photos!

  5. Great photos! New to your blog, and I like!

  6. Debbi, those are the prettiest flowers and I love how they are planted along the fabulous fence. Those are the style of sunflowers that make such a beautiful bouquet. Not so stiff and formal..They grow wild along Hwy 80 in northern California and make for good travels..Happy Weekend..Judy

  7. Splashes of summer happiness -- I love how you phrase things! These are beautiful, and so, too, is the setting!
