"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Dirt Roads and BLTs


We had a little cool spell here last week or so. We have sure enjoyed this as usually by May, it's already very very HOT, and the air conditioners are humming. Now, mid-June, the heat is here.

That cool spell, I had already put my winter clothes away and got my spring/summer things out. I left two flannel shirts and a couple of sweaters.

I had my summer sandals out, but back out came the boots and the leggings and big socks! LOL

Got out my summer time yellow pocketbook:

........and, after traipsing the dirt roads on a chilly and sunny Spring day........you ARE HUNGRY. LOL

One of my favorites........fried green "maters" and fried squash!

Dredge them in corn meal and fry 'em up in a blistering hot skillet!
and BLT's...........yum, one of our favorite suppers!

good on little buns...or regular bread! or toast!

I love bacon!! Everyone loves bacon, right?!

gotta have Duke's mayo!! Heavily peppered.

The green "maters" picture was  from last summer's garden.....these red ones were from the store for BLTs. I can't wait to make fried green "maters" again this summer. 

Hope your week is going great and wherever you are, hope your weather is nice and not too hot yet.


  1. It's too hot here already, but boy, your fried green tomatoes and BLT's sure look good to me!! I did make some BLT's last week. I prefer mine on toast so the bread doesn't get soggy from the tomatoes. Love the pictures of you and your dirt road and the dogwood! Yes, summertime is here, and I won't say the "living is easy". LOL. Grass needs cutting, weeds need pulling, and it's too hot to do either one! LOL. But God is good and we are thankful. Amen?

  2. Oh, the promise of Summer tomatoes!! That FEAST was better than seeing all the trappings of Thanksgiving on Grandmother's best Coalport. I knew that wonderful largesse would be your kind of hospitality--that easy grace with the really GOOD STUFF and comfortable visits and sitting around in your socks to reminisce. And I'm Stealing that dirt-road picture sometime---that's an unforgettable scene and so familiarly HOME that I have to write about it. Well done.

  3. I have to try this fried squash! I don't know what else to do with it when I buy. Just boil and mix with spices. Lol!

    It is getting hotter by the day. But look at you rocking that outfit!

  4. Oh girl BACON! It's the second time I have read about that delicacy today and as I'm going to the store later, I can totally see me picking up a pound and cooking it up tonight for BLT's!!!! TG would love that. Wasn't that cold day something? I loved it! I was indoors cooking all day and getting ready for Memorial Day company, and I enjoyed the rain so much. Such a phenomenon! And now for a beautiful summer with all its glories! xoxo

  5. we have been having very cool weather here too, but for me, it's never too cold for flip flops!! your bacon looks amazing and blt's are my favorite summer time sandwich. i don't think i have ever eaten a fried green tomato, i may have to try one!!
