"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Friday, March 24, 2023

Jessamine and Jasmine!

 Hope everyone had a nice St. Patrick's Day! It's now over...........

.......and Spring has officially arrived! Happy Spring!

When the bright yellow splashes of Jessamine bloom out, I know spring has arrived!

Charleston jessamine

Our South Carolina State flower blooms and blossoms rampantly over fences and gates and drapes itself up and down poles. It is sometimes called trumpet vine, or even Carolina jasmine. Not to be confused with Confederate Jasmine. LOL Yep, confusing. LOL I'm STILL NOT sure I've got my "jessamines" and "jasmines" figured out. LOL
Some scenes from a Charleston walk:

I always stop to look at the Free Libraries people have in their gardens, fun to see what is there. Sometimes I find one I like, and often I leave a bunch as well.

if you remember watching the old tv mini-series--John Jake's "The North and the South", (1985) you may recognize this old house is where Madeline (played by Lesley Ann Down) and Orrie's (played by Patrick Swayze) baby son was born! That series is my favorite role that Patrick Swayze ever played.
 There were MANY stars in that series as well....Johnny Cash, Morgan Fairchild, Robert Mitchum,  Hal Holbrook,  Genie Francis, James Read, Kirstie Alley, Teri Garber, Elizabeth Taylor, David Carradine, and many others. The story begins in West Point and follows two best friends,  Southern and slave owning Orrie Main who lives on a rice plantation, (Mont Royal) and Northern George Hazard (from Pennsylvania), and throughout the Mexican American War, the Civil War and their lives.

More sunny splashes of Carolina jessamine

and this is confederate jasmine...also called Star Jasmine, and Southern Jasmine. It has a wonderful scent in the spring! Very strong. I like it but Mr. Front Porch does NOT. LOL It takes over the city in Spring....it is ALL OVER.

spring green leaves against brick

One of my favorite lanes in the city

the jasmine smells so good!

Here's our Jessamine growing wild out in the country:

I wasn't sure if we would have it way out here, but then we spotted it in our trees!

I love how it tumbles over the fences

Pretty flowers in the grocery store:

We found these pretty dishes in one of the outbuildings here:
And these glasses too!

......and these heavy etched lead glass tumblers. I remember drinking cold milk out of these at Grandparents house long long ago.

Mr. Front Porch finds all kinds of neat old stuff out in the dirt like this water pump handle:
and other things.

Lots of this pinkish/red weed growing wild out along the highways and by-ways.

I have no idea what it is?

Decorating for Spring! And waiting for our purple irises to come up. 

the tiny white flowers are now going back to sleep and getting scarce (does anyone know what these are??)
......and the azaleas are done for the year.

The Worm Moon of March:
The next full moon is the first week of April, I think it is called the Pink Moon

Did anyone catch the planets in the night sky these past weeks? That's Venus on the top, and Jupiter on the bottom . Jupiter kept getting lower and lower on the horizon, until you couldn't see it anymore. They were bright and pretty.

our bluebirds have nested and been on eggs for a few weeks now, we hope to see fledglings soon!

Happy Weekend y'all! Hope you have a lovely Spring weekend.


  1. Oh, I love your Carolina Jessamine photos, especially the wild ones from your new home. That's the best kind!! We have it here too climbing over an old fence and up into the trees. It seems to have stopped blooming now. We don't have any Confederate Jasmine here at this house, but we had tons of it at our last house. I miss it, but yes, the scent can be a bit much if you are out in it. Not sure what the pink/red tall weed is, but we see it here too in the fields, etc. I just love all of God's natural gardens that grow in springtime (and fall too), a.k.a. Wildflowers. I love your bluebirds! I am waiting on ours to fledge any day now. Mama and Papa Bluebird are about worn out from feeding them all day long. I love seeing you and your pretty Easter wreaths. I haven't done any Easter decorating yet. I need to get a move on...it's coming sooner than I thought! I am way behind it seems! Please take care and enjoy your lovely farm in springtime. I love seeing pictures from around there...more more more! LOL. Love ya. Lily Grace sends her love too!

  2. So many pretty pictures but the one of the house with the matching free library was my favorite for sure.

  3. Oh yes, I saw the two planets. So cool to see. And WOW, on all the blooms you all have popping out all over. I love it. Love the smell of Jasmine. But I bet everywhere was scented with all those blooms. Nice....Bluebird, they are so pretty and were moms fave bird to watch.

  4. those st. patty's day socks are so festive. i'm glad you have some jasmine, i hope you are enjoying the country!! i have not looked at the night sky, you got a good picture!! this was a good walk, i enjoyed seeing YOU!!!

    and you have mockingbirds...they are so fun to watch!!

    i look forward to seeing those purple iris!!
