Some days I like to stroll slowly up and down King Street, looking into the shop window, and seeing what is new.
I do love this Charleston scenes purse!! Oh, yes, I would carry that around all over.
And the umbrella goes right along with it! Definitely needed today! It's really been raining today.
Men's seersucker suits, a classic in the South. See them in church every Sunday. I do like those men's wild socks! Got Mr. Front Porch some for Father's Day!
A sweet little antique china figure---a Southern belle with big fancy skirts. I didn't see her price, but she sure looked old.
Some summer dresses
Summer books. We walk past Miss Roehm's home all the time. It's gorgeous! We walk past Miss Altschul's as well, and it is big and gorgeous as well. Hers used to be the Charleston library long ago.
(below) pretty little glass Siamese. I have one that looks almost identical to this, only mine is posed sitting down.
Pretty rainbow animals!
Cool ties! I love unique ties! |
Jewelry always catches my eye!
This would not be easy to move into! But the view up there is awful nice!
I love looking into this antique shop, they always have beautiful things!
Thank you for going window shopping with me today!