"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

wildflower time

 It's wildflower time in the country!

our fields are full of beautiful wildflowers this year, I am loving them so much!

(below) me on Easter in the purple field

The yellow flowers below are new and have just bloomed this week. I have NO IDEA what they are, but they are along side all the country roads and in the ditches.

Love our wildflowers! (we did not plant these, they just are here, LOL)

These tiny flowers seem to like cool shady places
The yellow ones below are different and grow in different patches from the yellow ones above. With a quick glance they look the same but they are not.
 The ones above are MUCH tinier and have 5 petals. The ones below are alot bigger, and have only 4 petals. And they are thriving in the hot bright sun.
Out gathering bouquets of wildflowers a few days ago:

Here's what I got:

the tiny purple ones smell like lilacs

And with spring being here, little Mommy Bluebird is sitting on her nest, patiently warming her little baby eggs and waiting for Daddy Bluebird to bring her some supper!

We love porch sitting and watching them! And now the hummingbirds are back too, so fun to watch their wild antics..... swoops and zooming about! They are slurping up the nectar I make them about as fast as I can make it! Maybe they are extra hungry from their long journey?
Our baby chicks are doing great and growing so fast! They looked like this a few weeks ago:

(below)This is how they look today. They were tiny fluff balls. Now they are bigger, have WINGS, and feathers and their combs are coming through. And the pattern is coming out on these two....as new babies they were almost totally black.
These two are VERY FRIENDLY! They all love attention.

And today, we went and picked up these babies! They hatched 2 days ago!

They are so tiny! I love their colors and the pretty stripes. They are so pretty, but when they are fully grown, they will be odd looking birds. These are baby guineas!

Tonight's big full moon is the Pink Moon,  named after the pink ground phlox. Try to get out and enjoy it if you can. Hope you're having a great week so far. We are being blessed with a nice COOL SPELL here, and enjoying it so much! 


  1. You have a lot going on there - the wildflowers are so pretty. They just come naturally?
    Love your bluebirds - I am finally getting a few - slowly.
    Okay so what are you going to do with all those chicks?
    The pink moon - I will try to look for it!

  2. Oh, so lovely my dear!!! Love all the wildflowers and the little purple ones. I call them fairy flowers, but I never noticed they had a fragrance! I must not have stuck my nose in them! LOL. ours are pretty much done for now. Once you start mowing they do away, sadly. I love all your baby chicks, and now guineas???Wow! Do you eat their eggs? Are they like chicken eggs? Will they get along okay with your chickens? I don't know much about raising chickens and guineas. I had a bad experience with a rooster when I was four, and I tend to stay away from them all now. They are pretty to look at from a distance. I love your bluebird. Ours are busy feeding babies I think, but I still wonder sometimes because they don't seem quite as active about it as I recall from before, so I am still watching and waiting to see what develops. Yes, it is cooler here too. It was 49 this morning, but is 75 now and sunny and beautiful. I wish it would stay this way! Always love to see your posts and see what's happening on your little farm. Thank you for sharing it with us. Love ya! Lily Grace sends her love.

  3. you look so good debbi, it's always nice to see you in your posts. the wildflowers are so pretty, isn't it amazing how well they do without any help from us!! the chicks are adorable!!
