"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

How does your garden grow?


"mary mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow?
with silver bells and cockle shells, and pretty maids all in a row" ....old English nursery rhyme

Little baby cannas!

Hot summer sunshine and Carolina rain makes it all grow.....

Hollyhocks and Four o Clocks sprouting up!

Green "maters'......one of my favorites!

“Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.” – A A Milne

Zinnias and sweet "tater" vines  in bottles of water--the sweet "tater" vines root quickly, and then you get a whole new plant, for free!

I loved the sunflowers that grew this summer!

There are fairies in the garden......

.........and angels too!

“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” – Margaret Atwood

Fairy Granddaughter's first green beans picked!

“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.” – Lady Bird Johnson

happy little marigolds

“Earth laughs in flowers.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

pretty purple clematis blooms!

My "old maids":
I was so excited to finally grow zinnias (old maids) from seeds! They did great! I had enough for little bouquets all summer.
Can't wait to grow more next summer.

Peppers and onions coming in!

Love my four o clocks!!
and pansies!----love their sweet little faces!

Squash.....only got a few this year. And I fried them right up!
But we did get lots of bright petunias!
Beans beans beans..........we got so many beans this year!!

" The inexorable turn of the earth toward summer and Fall brought busy days in the fields as days got longer and hotter, moving toward getting crops "laid by".
Some felt they could almost hear the corn growing on warm spring mornings.
It was the time of the year when tables groaned under the delights of the season: bounteous harvests of fresh corn and beans and tomatoes and June apples and plums and peaches.
Sometimes the big dinners had not a single meat on the table, only vegetables in amazing abundance. 
I recall such days when we would come in for our noontime meal. Mother would present a table brimming with wonderfully delicious crowder peas, sliced tomatoes, fried okra, cream corn that Dad had picked that very morning, plus hot biscuits and sweet milk.
After such a meal, during that hot time of day, my Father would stretch out on the living room floor with a book under his head, and take a half-hour nap. Afterward, we would return to the fields refreshed and ready for an afternoon of plowing."
............"Smokehouse Ham, Spoon Bread & Scuppernong Wine" by Joseph E. Dabney

one of my most favorites this year:
I forgot what it's called? Love those colorful leaves and she grew as tall as me almost!
Some of our funny looking carrots!

and sweet red peppers. We also had lots and lots of"taters"....but I can't find any pictures of them!

We still have blooms in November:

and hibiscus: (two huge blooms just this week)

and hot pink four o clocks:

and geraniums:

we also started a cherry red mandevilla vine this summer,  (our first) but I don't think I have any pictures. It did grow and bloom ALOT, we were happy with it.

Now the gardens are ready to sleep, except for the potted flowers that are still blooming.

We actually have traces of Fall here, and we sure are enjoying that!

Hope y'all got out to view the big shiny bright Beaver Moon this week. It is so bright!
did anyone catch the Eclipse this morning?

Hope your week is coming along nicely and everybody is healthy, happy,  and enjoying November so far!


  1. Love all your beautiful garden photos. You really did have quite the lovely garden! I hope you will have an even bigger and better one at your new "farm" in the country!!! I did see the moon, but didn't get any GOOD pictures of it. We are now bracing for Hurricane/Tropical Storm whatever Nicole...Praying she isn't as big and mean as Ian was. Oops, gotta go. The floor men have arrived.

  2. Y'all did GOOD on your garden this year! Ours was a bust. This was a hard summer in so many ways. Louis Dean did set out onions and garlic last month and they are coming in nicely. Loved seeing all your pictures! But none of my favorite - YOU!!

  3. so fun, your garden was awesome this year!! i grew yellow squash and only got a few but the plants were huge and looked so healthy!! i tried to grow carrots last year and only got a few. a large bag of carrots is only a buck and change, i decided to skip those this year. it isn't really about money, but sometimes i try to evaluate if plants are worth it!! pretty flowers and lovely little jars!!
