"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

a Week in October 5

It had been a hot October day.....so we saved our walk for the evening, after sundown.
One of my favorite doorways in the city!
---It's just always neat and swept clean, well tended, with pretty flowers growing all year long.

This is a close up of the stained glass set in above the door

blooms flourishing in the Fall air!

Lights glow in homes and folks are settling down for a quiet evening of t/v watching or reading a good book


  1. Debbi, Another fun walk about your city. There's just always something to see. It is getting cold around our parts. Kids will be wearing coats for Halloween. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. I love looking up at the windows, seeing the lights on and the curtains pulled back! Looks so inviting! It is HOT here this week! Hot and humid. Feels like summer again! Lots of warm hugs, Diane

  3. Oh how I love that church all lit up...beautiful and the flowers are ever so pretty.
