"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Monday, May 23, 2022

Enjoying Florida--sunset on the Pier

 Clearwater Beach at sunset is a great place to be!

As the huge burning globe begins to set into the sea, there is lots going on here on the beach, at the nightly sunset celebration.

Bright umbrellas and kids bouncing and flying up into the salty air on trapeze type apparatuses.

Gulls and pelicans dipping into the salty waves for their supper, and folks meandering about on the beach, kids playing, tired parents gathering up beach buckets and shovels and beach balls, shoving damp towels and floppy hats into beach bags, music in the air.

Clearwater Pier 60 has entertainment at sunset ( I think every night)  including fire performers, singers/dancers, escape artists, musicians, jugglers, stilt walkers, and all kinds of other street performers.

and many booths with things to buy.....candles, handcrafted jewelry, paintings, and fun trinkets.

one more swim for the day............

Folks stop to watch this amazing sight............We did too.


  1. Well, aren't you have a fine time! So happy you are enjoying yourself.

  2. You all really did pack a lot into this vacation! I'm so glad. I love the sunset pictures. Those are great. Being on the west coast you could really see some great ones, I'm sure. Of course, on the east (Atlantic) coast you can see the sunrises, so they are both great views! I'm just so glad we were a part of your vacation, even if for just a little while. It was so much fun meeting you both. Thanks for sharing your pictures, a little at a time!!

  3. It looks like you are having a great time and yes those sunsets are to die for.
