"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Monday, September 30, 2019

Art Gallery

Lovely art gallery. I wanted to show y'all how little fairy granddaughter's art she made for me is being displayed here!! Isn't this exciting??!
She will be so proud!!----see it? up there in the right hand corner??
Don't think any art work by a little artist THIS YOUNG has ever been featured here.......
Awwwwwwwwwww, yes.......it's only there because a loving Ma-Maw propped it up there  in the window...............
Oh, well, fun to imagine, LOL! And she will like the pictures!

There are always lovely paintings displayed here at this gallery. Of course, I would pick fairy granddaughter's any day!
Happy Monday, Y'all and hope everyone had a nice weekend.


  1. Debbi, This is such a clever idea. I love it. Hope little granddaughter loves it too. Blessings for a fabulous week there. xoxo, Susie

  2. What a wonderful way to encourage your fairy granddaughter's artistic talent. I think her painting is very sweet, love the bees.

  3. It doesn’t make any difference which side of the window your granddaughter’s picture is on. It is a treasure for you and priceless.

  4. I love your little grand's art and you never know -- one day she might be INSIDE the gallery! (I loved the boat painting too!) I hope one day my little guys paint something for me!

  5. Fairy granddaughter's grandmother is very clever and I'm sure this post is just a forecast of more masterpieces to follow. Well done, both of you!

  6. beautiful art, i do think your granddaughters is worthy of a spot!! we have a gallery near here that feature young artists. it's always a very popular part of the gallery!!!
