"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

pretty bowls and snowy walks

 I just love pretty bowls, especially old ones!

I pick them up at the thrift stores all the time.

Just a few patches and traces of the pretty snow left for our winter walk today:

bluebird house empty for now

a still snowy path

my peacock pin

we find neat old stuff in the fields:

Are you reading anything good on these chilly Winter days? Or do you prefer t/v?

I finished two more old Helen Van Slyke novels:

and two more paperbacks:

I must be pretty darn close to reading all the books this author wrote by now! LOL These novels are pretty old, from the 1970s, I believe.

I'm working on my magazine stack too:

Quiet days and evenings at home, chilly walks, animals to feed and care for, books to read, good evening movies and comfort food suppers....That's Winter here.
I hope your winter days are safe and warm---what do you enjoy about Winter?


  1. Oh, I LOVE your bowls! You do have some very pretty ones!! It would be fun to set the table with those bowls. We could team them up with my vintage plates for a real feast! LOL. We really should live closer together...think of the fun we could have! I loved seeing you walking in the fields and seeing the snow still on the ground! Amazing it hasn't all melted yet! It's been warming up here and I've enjoyed getting outside in the sunshine a little more this week. Oh! You are the "Peacock Princess!" You know I got that new little Madame Alexander doll for my dollhouse for Christmas from my sister, and she is the "Peacock Princess!" Now I know who the REAL Peacock Princess is! YOU!! So when you come to play with my dollhouse someday you can be her! LOL. I am not familiar with that author. I haven't been doing much reading this winter. My eyes get too tired too quickly. I think I will be the next one in line for cataract surgery once we get hubby's eyes all fixed. The doctor said mine weren't that bad YET, but as time goes by they aren't getting any better I'm sure. It's all I can do to keep up with my reading and writing here in blogland! It's so good to hear from you, and hope you and your hubby are doing well. Say hello to Tracie and Amybelle and Tansy from Lily Grace and Bailey. They do need to get together again sometime!!! Bye for now. Love to all.

  2. Pretty bowls. They are even better if you use them. haha....I collect Wizard of Oz stuff but I have a THING for boxes. Oh no, not cardboard ones, wooden ones but so far, I have kept it in check. However, when out thrifting, i am always looking.
