"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 I have these bright plastic charms on a necklace.

There are cheeseburgers, record players, jet airplanes, a mustard bottle, and lots more. 

I started one for Fairy Granddaughter when she was little, and had fun adding these fun charms for her. She wanted ME TO WEAR one with her, so I made another one, for myself. LOL

She's outgrown these now, but I keep mine for fun memories. Here Tracie is taking care of it for me. LOL

I removed the Statue of Liberty charm and hung it next to a picture I took of the World Trade Center, back in the 1970s.

Tansy models the bracelet:

It has American Girl Doll charms on it. A car, a doll, and a book.

Our watermelons are in, and each chicken coop got one, they loved it so much! They devoured them.

Petunias are blooming and so is the Butterfly bush.

Hope everyone's week is coming along nicely and it's not too hot where y'all are.
It's really hot here again, with Hurricane Debby on by, the cool breezes are missed.


  1. The "charms" are "Charming"! What fun that must have been when you and Fairy Granddaughter both had these together! I can imagine how much she must've loved that! Now Tracie and Tansy are enjoying them, and I'm glad you've saved them for the memories. Love all the flowers blooming, and those watermelon look good enough to eat! Have you eaten any of them, or are they just for the chickens? Lucky chickens!! Please take care in this heat and don't get out there and overdo it. It's been really unbearably hot here this week. I am thankful for our AC, that's for sure!! God bless you and bye for now.

  2. I like the record player. Watermelon, used to be one of my favs but I have noticed the last two years that I am not wanting it near as much. I bought three this yr. I threw one out to the animals that visit the yard and two trashed. Never found a really good one this yr. They say everybodies taste changes every seven yrs.....

  3. What a sweet trove of remembrances of such a precious time! And such vivid memories held in those small colorful treasures---all the walks and travels and books read, and movie nights and vacation experiences. The sweetest jewelry in the world. I especially noted the book---all our grands send us book lists before holidays, and I simply love that---and the fact that TWO in two separate states had a hankering for lots of Shel Silverstein when they got to be twelve or so, and we could send them copies just like the tattered ones on our own shelves---a silly precious heritage of zany humor runs in our crowd.

    I DID specifically note the lipstick and the disco ball---I'd have a bit of those on my own clanky charm chain, as well. I've been dropping in and looking my eyes full of your adventures and all the colorful Charleston that you share---what a lot of Wonderful out there, for y'all to stroll through anytime you want. Summer is passing, and Leah just mentioned yesterday, "It's another FRIDAY tomorrow." I set my alarm for 10:55 on Friday mornings before I go to bed on Thursdays, not to awaken, but to be out on the back porch when the TownSiren sounds at 11, with a special prayer for all the RESPONDERS---all those folks who run into fires and toward danger, and pick us up, dust us off or apply whatever BandAid we need at the moment, and then move along to the next moment of need.

    They've picked up both Chris and me years ago, once when he got hit and knocked from his bike in traffic, and exactly the same weekend for me the next year, when I fell down a clients basement stairs in a dark hallway during a dinner we catered. We just know they'll be here, so vital and eager and strong and care so tenderly for our needs. We hold them all in a sort of sacred grateful place in our hearts.

    Headed out to market jiggetyjig,---I wonder if Aldi carries Hot Cross Buns. You stay cool and safe, and have a wonderful weekend!! j

  4. JUST darling, those charms and bracelets! Dagny would flip over something like that. Not sure if she would actually wear it but she would surely flip, haha! I would love to have seen the chickens devouring their watermelons. xoxo

  5. i have a silver charm bracelet that i wear occasionally, it is from my youth. my mom would buy me a charm for it on special occasions. the charms you shared although different, they are "charming"! you have a lot of watermelons there, i love watermelon, it must be cool to have it growing right there in your yard. i have heard that chickens love it too!!

  6. So many memories on that charm necklace. Nice watermelons. Our farm had a watermelon and a pumpkin patch but it died before we realized it was there since we hadn't moved to it at the time. It was have been nice. The flowers are really pretty.
