"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Monday, October 5, 2020

cannas and sunflowers

 A pretty purple door!

love this shade of purple!

blooms reaching out to greet us

Little corner grocery and deli

 a quick look at the "chocolate House"
...and pretty stairs at the house below:
Love these pretty house numbers!

Tangles of forgotten flowers still blooming at this lonely old house.........

hello from the little porch doggie

Flowers, flowers everywhere.......even sprouting up in a crack in the cement by this gate

Bold bright beautiful sunflowers!

a little garden high up on a balcony.......

I broke this necklace soon after taking it off that day.......guess I won't be wearing this one anymore! LOL

Hope everybody had a great weekend!!


  1. Hi Debbi, Love the walk about with you. So many beautiful older homes. Sad about the one in decline. Your city loves flowers, that for sure. We get to see flowers on your blog lots and love it. Blessings, stay well and safe. xoxo, Susie

  2. So many different kinds of flowers and think that is the first purple door I have ever seen. Many of the things could use some loving care and a new paint job and I guess maybe mold is a problem there because of the humidity like what was on the steps. Never think about that living in this desert. Sorry about your necklace breaking.

  3. I think you did this post for me...with a purple door and all the pretty shades of lavender! You sure see some pretty things to photograph in your city! Enjoy your week! Hope the sun peeks out today!

  4. so many beautiful photos!!! I would LOVE to walk with you! This is the next best thing. I am a sucker for old houses and flowers. I think those are seven sister roses....
    and I am SO sorry the beautiful necklace broke! LOVED that photo of you besdie the sunflower!! You are looking so happy!!
