"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Friday, October 25, 2019

A week in October

They have arrived. They have quietly slipped into the city, climbing tall buildings and creeping right up house windows. They "hang around" LOL on roofs and balconies and frolic in gardens. I don't think anyone invites them....they just show up! LOL
This house is usually the first to have skeletons arrive. They pose them different every year, and some years are very humorous! This year you can glimpse them up there in front of the big front windows...looks like they are sitting there having a tea party! LOL

Now THESE TWO....they are a bit rowdy, jumping and posing right in front of the windows!

Brazen skeletons...........they can even be seen prancing and partying around, in broad daylight!

The next five pictures are from a previous year, when they had the black hat on the top of the house.

At another house--These two stole clothes!

This one has done a little too much partying! He's down!!

And I can't even figure out what THIS ONE is up to!  Can you?! LOL

I kind of like this poem because it shows that even though the lilies must end for the summer---the process makes way for a new season of something else blooming.
I'm still seeing quite a few lilies in bloom around. Right now I am looking forward to seeing the first CAMELLIAS OF THE SEASON, one of my favorites!!


  1. Halloween has taken over Charleston with some interesting visitors.

  2. Debbi, That is such a pretty house. I just am not that into scary things. I love the little kids trick or treating, having parties, and wearing costumes. Some people go all out at Halloween. There's a house north in the next small town that leaves their spooky decorations out till Christmas. My pet peeve...once the holiday is over, get that stuff down. LOL. I hope you still get to see pretty flowers. Our plants and flowers are getting frost bit. Bless you, xoxo, Susie

  3. People can sure get into a holiday:) Loved the hat on the top of that house.

  4. Loved this post! Actually, I love my every visit here with you! Those skeletons are having a ball. I bet the people who display them are a lot of fun! The house with the hat! Magnificent! Hat or not that place is beautiful!

    Only broomweed is blooming down here right now along with a yellow flower that looks like ragweed but isn’t. We go home Monday and I hope all the flowers I planted before we left are still looking good. For the first time I am actually looking forward to getting back home. This October visit has got on my last nerve!

  5. oooooh this is so fun, i LOVE the hat, it is amazing!!!

  6. I love all these -- the skeletons are extra cool and SO FUN!!!
