"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

It was a Birthday

Happy Fall, Y'all!!
So glad Fall has arrived, but no signs of it here yet except the pretty bright yellow Goldenrod lining all the country ditches. The temperatures are still up in the 90s. Maybe this week's storm will bring rain and cooler temperatures.

Not too long ago, we celebrated Fairy Granddaughter's birthday.
Got her that pretty "dream" sign above for her bedroom. As you know, I do love shopping for her.
I got her these nature folders all about the birds, etc. They fold out really big with lots of information and pictures and are in strong clear plastic.

a pale blue dress:
Below, thats a little pockebook mirror that looks like a laptop, she really liked that.

Got her some fun jewelry, a pearl ring and a blue sparkly ring.

And new charms for her bracelet:

More summer dresses:

Found her quite a few books about the Titanic, one of her current interests.

And of course, there were bright cupcakes! yum
I found this fun candlelabra to hold birthday cake candles! She loved it, said it reminded her of the Titanic!

Hope everyone is having a nice week and your weather is good your way

Soon I hope to decorate the front porch with mums, "punkins" and straw bales.
Do you decorate the outside of your home?

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