"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Thursday, June 13, 2024

A birthday came.....

 June has arrived!

Love turning a new page each month in my John Sloane calendar, to see what beautiful things he has painted.

John Sloane calendar

John Sloane calendar

Happy Happy June, 

and the hydrangeas are in bloom!

Farewell to May! I love May as it's my birthday, plus Mothers Day plus our anniversary!
some of my cards:

Our birthday/anniversary trip this year was to St. Helena, Hunting Island, and Bluffton.

yep, we had to go up and over THIS to get there, LOL

We love driving through this coastal maritime forest, so pretty and peaceful
I enjoy seeing the old lighthouse

Its hiding in the tall trees! LOL

There are lots of nice trails to hike here

Lots of birds to see, and pretty flowers
a few people out enjoying the sunny day

A deer ran out to tell me "happy birthday" ha ha LOL

kids enjoying the salty waves

a common sight here on our beaches----the loggerhead turtle nests
This picture makes me laugh....the wind was pretty wild, I was trying to hold my dress down! And it about blew my hat away! LOL

"I must go down to the seas again
to the lonely seas and the sky
and all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by..."
.....John Masefield
(one of my favorite poems)

Dogs having a great day!

Tracie enjoying the ocean

the print on my dress

I enjoyed seeing this little chapel. We stopped to make a few pictures

We ate supper at the Foolish Frog. This was our outside dining view:

I wore the glass beads necklace (above) that I got for Mothers Day.

so many yummy things to choose from! Which would YOU PICK?

It was perfect weather to watch the sun set. Warm, but not hot. 

Lots of Spanish moss drifting in the breezes

I had the Coquille St Jacques. Oh my!----it was so delicious! Mr Front Porch had delicious breaded fish, cole slaw, and sweet fried taters.
I tasted his fish, and that's some of the best fish I've ever had! Fried but not greasy.

The pretty moon was the perfect ending to such a nice day. I think this one was called the "Flower Moon".

We enjoyed the long country drives. The farmers are so busy! The corn is breaking through the rich soil, and some of the fields were knee high and some were almost neck high already!

(below, my anniversary roses)

The second day of our trip we headed to Bluffton, South Carolina
Lots of scenery on the way....

And then we drove straight into THIS! LOL

Heavy rain pounded us for quite awhile
It was still raining when we reached our destination, Bluffton

Because the storm slowed us down, we arrived too late to tour some of the churches and places we had wanted to see, but that's ok, we just go to Plan B. LOL

Rain soaked streets and puddles everywhere

We enjoyed a driving around tour of the little town

.......and then finally, the HURRICANE STOPPED, LOL! Just a few sprinkles remained. And we could get out and walk around, sightsee, and window shop for awhile.

Lots of pretty old houses, art galleries, and little shops and restaurants to see

Scenes from downtown:

Campbell Chapel

We found a restaurant  called Captain Woody's and went walking about town and window shopping while we waited on our table to be ready
Captain Woody's :
bottle brush trees in bloom:
Enjoying window shopping

Captain Woody's:

The pretty planters all about town,  full of blooms sure loved the good hard rain

We had delicious grouper (my favorite!) bites for an appetizer and Mr. Front Porch had the shrimp tacos and I had a fried seafood platter. Its so hard to find grouper anywhere anymore.


We walked around town as it got dark and lights began to glow

Birthday cake and presents:

Mr. Front Porch got me this ceramic hanging blue and white seahorse for an anniversary present:

And this really long bead necklace I loved: ( I wore it all day)
Birthday presents:

 Friends and family  gave me this nice big sturdy beach tote bag, a little pocketbook and a bead necklace , an angel pin, books, gift cards, and lots of pretty cards. I so appreciated the lovely cards and presents.

I took my balloons outside the day after, to make pictures:

I had my anniversary necklace on. I wear it pretty much every day. I love beads!

yes, I have my old farm boots on, LOL! I dont like to get bit

fairy weeds, LOL

It was a very happy birthday and anniversary and we enjoyed it so much. We are so thankful for our many blessings.

Thank you for stopping by to visit with me today. I hope you enjoyed our little tour of Bluffton, and visiting Hunting Island. We love it there, and the pretty lighthouse. And it's usually pretty quiet there, not very crowded.
Hope your June has been going great so far. We are very busy, and I'm trying to catch up on blogs! June is going by so fast!


  1. Merriest Blated Bday...Looks like you had a good time. Wow, a long post and I know I will leave out something! I love finding small old churches to photograph. I have found the older ones are always cute little white ones. That bridge, wow, I would prob have to be in the middle lanes to travel that one. Bridges do not generally bother me but being so high and over water, that one does, esp since that one went down recently when the frighter ship hit it. Looks like some nie meals. I find that it is hard to sit down to a meal these days. Almost don't pay me to go out and eat anymore. I hope you have had a great month so far. The year is moving right along, and fast it seems.

  2. WOW! You really did have a lovely Anniversary and Birthday celebration! I didn't know you had taken such a lovely little "trip" to such beautiful places! Thank you for sharing it all with us. Looks like some places that I would LOVE to see! Looks like you found some delicious and fun places to eat as well! And I love your dresses, hats, and necklaces! You are amazing!! Happy Happy Birthday again and Happy Happy Anniversary again! May God bless you with many many more of both!! Loved seeing Tracie having a good time at the beach too!! Lily Grace sends her love! It's finally raining here this morning! Hooray! Blessings to you both today.

  3. Happy Birthday sweet friend! I love May too....two of my boys were born in May! You sure found the perfect place to celebrate....well, except for the road to get there! hahaha! I love the deer coming out and all the beautiful trails and the ocean of course. I love colorful beads and the stretchy beaded bracelets that are popular now. I can even wear them hiking. Enjoy your day! Hugs!

  4. Awwwww! Belated but no less sincere HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to you and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY wishes to you and Mr. FP!!! How charming, your birthday and anniversary in the beautiful month of May! It is the same for our Erica. She loves her birth month and always wanted to be a bride in May, and she got her wish! And now the mother to two precious boys and Mother's Day in May to enjoy with them. I too love grouper! We had wonderful grouper fingers once in Savannah and I didn't even know groupers HAD fingers, hahahaha! Your trip looks astoundingly wonderful and memorable! Love your hats and dresses and beads, and what a darling birthday cake! All just as it should be, to celebrate you. Love you my friend! xoxo

  5. i was holding on to every word and then we got to the foolish frog, old house crab shack and capt. woodies, the food looked amazing!! happy may, happy birthday and happy anniversary. i think i may have acknowledged those, but i am not sure!! you look good debbi

  6. yesterday i posted about a fairy garden i visited, i knew you would love it!!
